While I was out...

Plenty has happened since my last entry in September...so here's an update: I have a new job! After working in PR for the last year and a half, I landed a job as the Community Editor at the Woodburn Independent newspaper - an Eagle Newspapers company. I've worked there since Jan. 26 and I love it. Hours have been crazy because of the holidays, plus I took time off to go to Kim's wedding, so a lot of work had to be crammed into a couple of days, but I love being able to do my own thing and interview really interesting people. I get to write, take photos, page layout, and everything in between. It's great. Secondly, as I referred to, Kim got married! Bryan, Haley and I drove 1300 miles last weekend to get down to Windsor/Santa Rosa, where we stayed at a sweet condo (compliments of my parents' timeshare) and hung out with Kim and the bridal party for 3 days. Bryan drove the whole way, and on the way there I worked on finishing my articles, and Haley snacked on whatever...