Farewell to our Jane

Last weekend, we hosted a going away party for one of our seniors, Jane, who left for Baylor this week. We had around 20 kids at our house, playing Bocce ball, croquet, eating veggies and BBQ, and plenty of cupcakes and blackberries. The girls: (L to R) Sun, Angela, Carolyn, and Jane. Part of Jane's raptor dance...not sure where she gets this stuff. Freakiest picture of Macie ever! For all those out there who think my dog has mutated, it is possible! Sun took this picture while laying on the ground (which is Macie's territory), and of course, Macie was trying to bite her. Youngi coming after Joe during a friendly game of croquet. Bryan showing off his juggling skills. Notice the children in the background congregating around the blackberry bushes, probably plotting their stupid blackberry war. This is Stephen after Daniel and him got in a blackberry fight. I was not very happy with them, but I managed to get all the stains out before his parents came to get him! Bryan (a.k....