It's pumpkin time!

We had our annual pumpkin party again this year, adding one little munchkin to the mix (actually two but the Selanders and their baby Ella couldn't make it). It's so fun to see the kids growing up together! I got them some goofy glasses to try on. Isla and Eden were gamers and Kylie just wanted to play with the googly eyes on her glasses. After our taco dinner, the kiddos got to paint pumpkins. Back when we didn't have kids, our pumpkin parties were meant for carving. Now, they are for relaxing while our kids are preoccupied by their own version of pumpkin decoration. The Lute girls. Mal was the paint supplier for Cayden and Eden. And we ended the night with a little iPad entertainment. Thank God for! We also went to the pumpkin patch, and got another family picture. Look how much Cayden has grown! Here's Cayden sitting on a pumpkin last year And this year.... That one is heavy! She ...