Welcome to Bernard Park

When Bryce showed up at our house last week to set the main poles for Cayden's new playground, we told Cayden Papa was building her a swing set. She looked at him in awe and said, "Oh, Thaaank you!" What a kid. She quickly turned back into her bossy self, as seen below....jk. Grandma came to help the next time Bryce came down to finish up most of the work. Our angled yard created some weird optical illusions while building this playground, but it ended up looking great! Cayden was just excited to have Grandma and Grandpa here ALL day long! Helping Grandma with the cement. BEFORE: AFTER (just the swings left to connect): Cayden loves her new backyard playground. She also has a new-found love for hammering nails. We are so blessed to have a handy (and willing) Papa, Grandma and Daddy to build such a cool play structure.