Growing like weeds

Expecting another girl is quite the phenomenon. There is no frantic need to cover up purple walls or exchange headbands for miniature neckties. Cayden doesn't have a hint of jealousy (yet) and keeps telling me how "baby sisser" is going to sleep in her bed WITH her and wear all her old clothes because Cayden's head is too big for them now. There are a few things left to do, but really, if baby sister came today, I wouldn't be worried. Diaperless, yes, but not worried. I keep telling myself that my world is about to be rocked, contemplating how I'm going to go to Winco with a newborn and a 2-year-old in tow (where will the groceries fit?) and wondering if I will ever have time for a nap... There is an overarching sense of peace, though. While I DO NOT consider myself an expert on girls, I am so thankful that I know at least a little bit. I'm also thankful that I can take both of my children ...