A love I can't stop

The other day, both girls were eating their breakfast and I was washing dishes. I looked over to see Piper about to tip her bowl off her high chair tray. “No, no, Piper,” I chided, waiting to see if maybe this time she would choose to obey. She looked straight at me with a “Just try and stop me” gleam in her eye. I tried to make it there in time, yelling, “NO!” as I reached to stop the soggy granola from blanketing the floor AGAIN, but I was too late. Frustrated, I scolded Piper, then bent down to clean up the mess, AGAIN. “But Mommy, do you still love her?” Stunned, I turned to the soft, worried voice of the 3-year-old big sister who had watched all of this unfold. My answer didn’t require thinking. “Yep.” “Good,” she smiled, taking another bite of her cereal. She was worried that because Piper had disobeyed me, I no longer loved her. That is ridiculous. My love for my children is something so deep, so unconditional, and so something I can’t...