The day that keeps changing my life

March 7. Nine years ago, it was the day I walked into the ER with my church shoes filling with blood, telling the front desk I was having a miscarriage. My bloody footprints got me in quickly. I remember small things about that day. The bagel I had packed in my bag, that I gave to Bryan to eat when he arrived…I was no longer eating for two. I remember the janitor coming in to clean the floor and he asked me, “Is all this yours?” I was also astounded at how much blood is stored up to support life, even just 10 weeks of life. After that day, life was never the same. Eight years ago, on March 6, I was tracking my contractions through the night and we finally decided to go into the hospital the next morning. With a whole crew of expectant family members waiting downstairs for many of my 19 hours of labor, Cayden finally came into the world at 8:03 p.m. on March 7. After that day, life was never the same. Eight months ago, I was late. This might not seem so uncommon, b...