Day Seven

Someday I will write about something that doesn’t make me cry. I want to look back and remember yellow leaves in Cayden’s hair, Piper raking too many sticks in the leaf pile, and Judah’s forced school picture smile. I want to remember when I put up the tripod and set the timer and everyone smiled on the first click. I want to remember when we took pictures with the little pink shoes before we knew they might never be worn by baby sister. I want to remember there is still good. I want my children to see it’s ok to smile and laugh even when we know something devastating is going to happen. Seven. I’ve had seven pregnancies. My first pregnancy miscarried in March 2010 and this baby inside of me is due March 2021. One week ago, I grabbed my camera and tripod, leaving the house with the promise that I would bring back video of baby sister for the kids to see. In a darkened radiology room, I fumbled to extend the legs of my tripod and figure out the best screen to record. Ultrasoun...