Back in the day

So since I am at a loss for new photos, I decided to go dig up a classic from my past with Bryan - our first date. Look how little we are! This was taken in December of 2001, our junior year of high school before the winter formal (SnoBall). As you can tell from this photo, we are rather awkward with our hands and not knowing what to do (or even where to look at the camera!). We weren't dating at this time, and I had gotten up the courage to ask him to SnoBall (it's a guy-ask-girl dance) as a friend. I was partially convinced by Samantha and Melissa to do this, and part of me really wanted to ask him, but didn't want to get rejected. I decorated his Buick on the inside with snowflakes and streamers to ask him, and he called that night to say yes! It was my first dance, and I borrowed the dress from Amanda Acker (then Uram) -- thanks Amanda! I'm not sure whose idea the umbrella was, but I think we were both relieved that Bryan had something to hold in this photo. We had ...