A snowflake and a sunbeam

Since the kids get so many days off of school (it's a bit ridiculous!), we decided not to sit around at home and waste away President's Day (last monday). We took Sun, Minsu and Lauren up to Salem, where we borrowed my parents' van (thanks!) and took Shane, Siera and the rest of the crew up to the mountains for a snow day. We packed a lunch and grabbed some tubes from good old Salem Heights and were on our way! Monday was a bit gloomy in the valley, but up on the mountain, it was blue sky and actually warm. This made for very easy driving (no chains needed!), along with very hard snow. Shane and Siera had some trouble staying on their tube! Minsu about to fly off his tube... Lauren...happy until she took a face full of snow. Random boy watching me get snow sprayed in my face. Everyone tubed down the hill and threw ice balls at each other, until we were too tired to do it anymore. Sun had been avoiding the snowball rights all day, but in the end, she got nailed in the eyebal...