House hunting

Life is still ticking away here in Adair Village, with more parenting challenges and smiles. Minsu and Macie are getting along famously, and we have signed Minsu up to play Majors baseball in March. Lauren likes to take photos of us....I don't like it too much.
I almost broke my back lifting Lois and Youngi at youth group.
And we try to take advantage of the rare sunny days by playing basketball in our cul-de-sac.In serious business, Bryan and I went to talk with mortgage broker Tyler Westby on Monday to see if we could get a home loan. We were thinking about buying the house we are currently renting, but that turned out not to work because this house is too expensive. So we enlisted the help of our friend Josh (who is a real estate agent) and are searching for houses in the area that will fit our needs. We are trying to cash in on the stimulous money and low interest rates, but it's really up to God whether or not this all happens, so pray that we stay content!


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