Blazer mania

This post is a bit late, but I've been swamped at work, so better late than never.
So going back 6 months, my mom's dog had puppies. Each of the 12 pups sold for $400 or more, and my parents named them after what they wanted to buy with that specific $400. For instance, one was named Sony, to fund a new TV for their house. Another was named Blaze. The money made when Blaze sold (for $800) went to buying Blazer tickets for our family. My parents bought ten 200 level tickets for the last game of the Blazer's season, against the Denver Nuggets (April 15). So last Wednesday, we piled into the family van, stopped at Jackie and Ed's (Tigard) for dinner and then went to the game. Who went? My parents, Uncle Ed, Bryan and I, Steven, Shane, my cousins Jacob and Blake and Blake's girlfriend Ashley. My mom painted Jacob's face and I painted Shane's, and we all had a great time cheering on the Blazers to a near-30-point victory. The only mild annoyance to our happiness was the constant standing and loud outbursts of the two drunk guys two rows in front of us. I'm pretty sure they were wasted from the git-go, but they consumed about five more beers each through the course of the game. They were idiots, but nice enough guys who really love their Blazers. At this particular moment, they were celebrating yet another 3-pointer by Rudy Fernandez. In the game, Fernandez set the record for the most three pointers in a season for a rookie (one of them is below with the Bird Man flying at him). Here are some more photos of the game itself. Below is Steve Blake blowing by Carmelo Anthony. Below is Brandon Roy setting up to take a shot against Carmelo Anthony. Below is Prysbilla the Vanilla Gorilla wrestling away an offensive rebound. Below is Travis Outlaw taking a jumper.


Family of 5 said…
I heard that you guys got to go to the game! How fun! Love the Blazers! Now that they are finally getting back into the game! Ha!Looks like it was an awesome game! and fun with the whole fam!
KeriAnn said…
Hey fun blazer post!
and to answer your question as to whether the moving rumors are true. I don't know what the word on the street is, but yes, we are moving. back to oregon we go. Thank God; we are thrilled.

There will be an update on my blog about this when i get around to it.

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