Playing house.

June 23 was a big day for us. Ironically, it was my cousin Blake's birthday, but that was the last thing on our minds. I had spent the day racing around, finishing shopping for the Arizona Mission Trip and taking Macie up to Salem to stay at my aunt and uncle's house while we were gone in AZ. Driving back to Corvallis from Salem (around 3:00 pm) I got a call from our mortgage broker that we were supposed to sign for our house today! So I called the title company, and they said if we could get there (Salem) before 5 pm, we could finish up the whole house-buying fiasco we'd been mired in for the past few months. I raced back to Corvallis, picked up Bryan, raced back to Salem, stopped at MaPS to get a cashier's check (which we were JUST informed that we would need) and then drove downtown to Ticor Title. By 5:45 we were house owners! Living room. apparently Macie likes to be in the pictures. I did not plan this.Kitchen/dining room/ stairs to upstairs on the right.With little time to celebrate, we headed back to Corvallis, to load up the vans before the 7 pm AZ prayer meeting that night. After the prayer meeting, we got home and did some last minute packing, and headed to bed. With Bryan already half-asleep, I decided to take a pregnancy test just in case....because I didn't want to worry about whether or not I was pregnant over the next week and a half. Turns out, I was pregnant! My friend Kim and her family gave us our first baby present last week when they were visiting from Cali. It's kinda weird opening clothes for MY baby, but I have to admit they are pretty cute.


A & K Finch said…
Hey Charissa and Bryan,
Your house looks very nice and congratulations on a house and a baby! Kim did an awesome job buying you gifts already!!!! Thanks for sharing!!! =)


PS...glad that you had such an awesome day with all things happening in one day....GOD is GOOD!!!!
lyndsey said…
Congratulations to you both! It sounds like there have been lots of exciting changes recently. Blessings on your new family and abode! I hope I get to meet your bebe sometime.
Really! Really! Really! What a gracious ride. This summer has kinda been a blur, but when things clear up, I know it's gonna be remembered as even better than great! You Two are so fun to watch, and share life with!
paulashley said…
We are so excited for you guys! Isn't it amazing how God seems to throw the pregnancy thing in last minute? :) Are you finding out gender soon/ have you already?

Praying for you guys, it's a wonderful but sometimes kinda scary ride you guys are beginning!
Paul and Ashley

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