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We had a WIC appointment yesterday, which is awesome because: 1. Farmer's Market Vouchers! 2. Getting Cayden's latest digits! The lady said she's had a growth spurt since her last appointment... This came at no surprise as she has started hitting her head on pieces of furniture that towered above her in the past. She has grown 1.5 inches in the last 3 months and gained just less than 2 pounds. At 15 1/2 months, she has 12 teeth and wears size 5 shoes. Cayden loves blueberries, crackers, bubbles, birds, pens, eating crayons, playing outside and the hose. Names she can say: "Daddy," "Mama," "Papa" (Grandpa/Grandma), "Steee" (Uncle Steve), "Dougie" (Douglas), and differing renditions of "Carrie" for Aunt Carrie. Words she can say: "Bubble" (referring to many things including balloons, water, and actual bubbles), "bir" (bird), "baa" (ball/bath), "chee...