How Cayden met Kinsley

I love ironic stories.

So here's one.

My favorite thing about Adair Village is the city-wide garage sale weekend at the end of August. This year, we missed the good stuff on Saturday because we had to work an OSU game, but Cayden and I set out Sunday morning before church to see what we could dig up out of the picked over stuff.

We scored bags of clothes, a coat and a sleeping bag for about $8 total, but the real score was right down the road. We had almost made it back to our house and were perusing our last sale when I noticed the family had a little girl about Cayden's size.
In passing, I asked how old she was.

"Almost a year and a half."

"Oh, yeah? So is my daughter," I said, motioning to Cayden, who was busy trying to buckle the baby swing being sold on the front lawn.

I continued to pick out a few articles of clothing from the table, then I asked when her birthday was.

"March 7."


And the irony kept coming.

Their daughter, Kinsley, was born around 11 a.m. on March 7, 2011, which was exactly the time I was READY for my epidural. Unfortunately, the anesthesiologist was busy in an emergency C-Section, and they kept telling me he would be done soon, but a very painful, long hour went by before they finally called in a different anesthesiologist after I made Bryan go yell at them (he didn't  really yell, but...). Cayden was born 8 hours later.

It's amazing how you can be so consumed with your own life, when there are other people all around you who might be suffering so much worse.

That emergency C-Section was because Kinsley had flipped to breech and after they got her out, Kinsley's mom, Dawn told her husband Jeff that she didn't feel well. He said she looked green. The anesthesiologist (the same one I was begging for upstairs) agreed with Jeff that something was really wrong, and that's when the doctors realized they had cut an artery and Dawn was bleeding out.

"They almost killed her," Jeff told me, as I had now stopped perusing the garage sale.

Obviously, they didn't kill Dawn. We went to the park together this week and watched the girls pet dogs, collect rocks and get staticky slide hair. They are going to be fast friends, and btw, I know staticky isn't a word.

Hearing the other side of the March 7, 2011 story really made me think long and hard about perspective. We live in a world full of 7 billion other people with messy living rooms, imperfect children and hurting hearts. God has a plan for each one, just as he had a plan for Dawn and I on March 7, 2011. He knew where that anesthesiologist needed to be to serve a greater purpose.

God has a plan. We can't always see it through the white-knuckle contractions of life, but the big picture thankfully rests safely in His capable hands.


What a great story...not manypeopleget to hear what was going on when they were waiting for something to happen to them. They look so cute together.

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