These are the times when I like my job.

So part of my job is event planning, and the PR company I work for was in charge of a big event this last Saturday. Former First Lady Barbara Bush came to speak at a benefit lecture for MedAssist (a program that helps low income residents of Marion-Polk Counties get prescription drugs that they otherwise could not afford). Since Mrs. Bush is a community service front-runner, she came to talk about strengthening the community through the MedAssist program. Anyway...a bunch of Salem's "haves" came to the dinner ($125 per ticket!) and then made donations for the cause at the end.

I was in charge of getting all of these rich, important people in to get their picture taken with Mrs. Bush before the lecture. It was pretty fun meeting all these people you see on the news like Senator Jackie Winters and Representative Kevin Cameron (Brianne's Dad!), and at the end, Mrs. Bush even asked me if I wanted to take a picture with her! I was surprised, and a little nervous, but then she started making jokes about how I shouldn't wear my name tag in the picture and how the photographer should make sure to get my legs in the picture (I was wearing a skirt). She's actually a very funny old lady.

At the lecture, she was telling jokes left and right about her husband and even Bill Clinton. It was pretty fun because Bryan and I got to sit in at an extra seat at the dinner, and boy was that $125 filet mignon and baked alaska good, especially for free! It would have been an even greater night if my feet didn't hurt so bad (mental note: size 11 feet do not belong in heels).

So now I know one famous person - if knowing means I've met her. What famous people have you met?


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