Girls weekend!

I know I'm late on this, but things have been crazy at work lately, and so I haven't had time to go through the photos until now. Last weekend, Bryan and I hosted High School Girls Weekend at our house. While this sounds crazier than it is, it was still a great time with three girls from CKC staying with us for two nights. We brought the girls home with us on Friday night, when we grabbed a redbox (Amexicano - don't see it, it has the worst ending ever!) and then went to bed waaay too late.
In the morning, we ran some errands, and then came back to our house. That night we were going to pick Jane up from the airport (her spring break), so we made two signs (one in Korean and one in English) welcoming her home. Please notice the sparkly, waving hands on one of them! Angela showed up around 1 p.m., and then we went shopping for food, which Esther prepared from scratch!! Angela (below) "cut the tag," tasting (and loving) apples and carmel for her first time ever! Esther and Bryan making dinner...Macie is trying to eat the chicken in Bryan's hand.Angie making our snickers/pudding/apple dessert (thanks, Alicia for the idea!)
Later that day we went outside to explore the property we live on, in order for Esther to get some cool photos. I took some along the way, and have put them on here for all to enjoy!
Most notably, the girls discovered our jungle, complete with a moose, zebra, giraffe, and hippo.
We also investigated an old "haunted" house up the hill from us (which the boys were too scared of). We all went in and did not fall through the floor, thank goodness. We found lots of treasures, including an awesome toilet!
At 5:30 p.m., we took off for P-town to pick up Jane, which was a great and tearful endeavor. It was good to see her, and beat her at Yahtzee when we got home.
We had a great time, even without much sleep!


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