A date with a pumpkin

Time with our friends is a premium, as we normally spend time with the younger folk. Last weekend, we did get the opportunity to spend some Q-T with the Salem friends, inviting them over to have dinner and carve pumpkins at our humble abode.
I found a sweet idea online for Halloween tortilla chips, so Alicia and I tried it out. After scouring Corvallis for Halloween cookie cutters, we took them to our corn tortillas.
Me deep frying the bats...
Sizzling pumpkins!
And the finished product! Yummy chips that were gone very quickly!
After dinner, we dove into pumpkin goo....well most of us did. The boys did most of the carving, since Mal and Kari were busy nursing babies. Alicia and I did carve pumpkins too. We missed having Ben (Alicia's husband who is in Afghanistan) there with us for this tradition, but we look forward to his return very soon!!!
Alicia and month-old Eden. The finished product. From left to right, these are the artwork of Alicia, Bryan and Kyle. Next, Isla's pumpkin (also carved by Kyle), mine and Josh's. All of them together.


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