Operation Christmas Child

Years ago, as a faithful AWANA participant, I would take much pride in compiling a shoebox full of gifts for Operation Christmas Child, and this year I am once again blessed to do so. Our church is sending boxes to Samaritan's Purse, so a couple of the high school girls and I went out last wednesday to do our shopping and wrapping. Our host daughter, Lauren (on the left), and Lois wrapping their shoeboxes - which by the way is really difficult to do when you have to wrap the lids separately!!I bought this Santa hat for my OCC girl, and I'm going to send the picture of me wearing it with the box.Sidenote: below is me at 24 weeks (6 months!). Since this picture (taken three days ago), I feel like I've grown a ton, but I've promised myself to limit the number of belly pictures on here because they can be quite redundant.

I did reach a milestone on Saturday, though. A woman I didn't know asked me if I was expecting...and that's a first, so that means I'm showing now, I guess!

Things that are now uncomfortable to do:

- tie my shoes

- put on socks

- fill up Macie's food

- sleep


paulashley said…
Hey there! I've been wondering why I haven't had an update from you guys for awhile, and realized today I had accidentally deleted you from my follow list :(
6 months!!!! You are getting there! I hope you and baby stay healthy and happy :)
Samantha said…
I have been looking for these baby bump pictures forever and here they are! Charissa! How come you are so tiny tiny tiny?? I also can't believe you're already half way done!! Geesh, time flies. I can't wait to hold your mini-baby. :)

xo Samantha

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