Cayden's first week

There has been no shortage of visitors this week...mostly family and a few great friends bearing meals. Grandma Julie came down every chance she got. Apparently our child is a grandma magnet. Because Grandma Jill couldn't stay away either.And great-grandma Bernard came down to meet her too.
A sleeping baby was never more exciting....and then there's a screaming baby....
Cayden made her debut at youth group on Friday night. She drew quite the crowd, let me tell you. The kids were great....they really wanted to hold her, but it was all look and no touch for now. Sun gave Cayden a bath on Thursday night. how is this baby so fat already? Oh yeah, she eats every hour... She is very used to the paparazzi by now.And she loves her daddy.


A & K Finch said…
Once again she is beautiful. Glad that family is so close to come visit. We hope we can meet her soon! =)
paulashley said…
Thanks for posting those pics! What a doll :)
I'm kind of a mean mommy, but I almost always find photos of screaming babies hilarious... maybe because mine seem to do that and it's good to know we aren't alone!
Julie A said…
So beautiful!! Congratulations. I absolutely love her name. Good job picking it out:)
Acker Family said…
love her. love the pictures. I am bringing you dinner on Thursday and I can't WAIT to see you both :)

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