180 Camping trip

Bryan took the youth group (180) on their fourth annual camping trip to Honeyman State Park in Florence last week. Cayden and I went for one night, driving my older brother's 1978 camper van over there. That was quite the adventure in itself, but I will talk more about that later. Cayden loved camping, as long as we weren't in the sun too long. She took a nap on the dunes when I found a shady spot, and later that night she was so tired she fell right asleep on Youngi. Sisters Lauren and Sophia...they love Cayden. So here's our sweet camper van. The back seat lays down into a bed and it even has curtains. So this van is pretty crazy. First off, it no longer starts by turning the ignition. You have to get the car rolling (either by parking on a hill or getting pushed) and then you pop the clutch and slam on the gas and it jerks to life. My first experience with this popping the clutch thing was at the gas station in Corvallis. I asked the guy if he would fill the tank while...