
Showing posts from September, 2011

Teeth and tears

This month, Cayden decided she wanted to go to the nursery during church. Actually, we decided for her, but either way, she loves it! She gets to hang out with her favorite Korean ajuma, Joice, and gets to jump around in her Rainforest Jumparoo. She only cries when I come back to get her...which is pretty pathetic. Don't worry, my baby doesn't hate me, she just loves new things (like the nursery and other kids) and when she sees me, she remembers, "oh, yeah, I'm teething, I'm supposed to be grumpy when I'm with Mommy!" This is more like the norm. Not really, this was an extreme moment when mean ol mommy was taking pictures of crying Cayden because she is so darn cute when she cries. So we give her apples and teethers and cheerios and the occasional (ok... daily) dose of tylenol.  Those teeth just keep coming (2 for sure so far) and she is doing well considering. We are down to 2 naps a day and she is still waking up 2-3 times at night, not...

The apple.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I think we might have a future writer on our hands....  Blogosphere beware!!

Randomness and a first tooth!

 On Sept. 9 Cayden's first tooth made itself known. My mom was feeling around on her gums (this is a normal thing for her), and she found the sharp little bugger! There is no denying we are teething because this kid is an emotional basketcase right now! She will be playing one second, randomly start crying and then be fine in 2 seconds. Oh boy, can't wait for the teenage years! Cayden and Carrie  I was riding in the car and I looked back to notice this beady little eye staring at me. Cayden just realized she can see me if she really tries. She was quite enthralled. Don't worry, I wasn't driving when I took this photo. I did pull over in a wheat field to take it though. Grandparents got sent this photo on Sunday....I bet everyone reading this is feeling bad because they forgot to say happy grandparents day to their gparents....don't feel too bad, I might have forgotten about my grandparents too...but Cayden didn't!  Jilynne learned how to ...

6 month stats

Cayden is growing! Length: 26.25 inches (70th percentile) Weight: 15 pounds, 0.5 ounces (32nd percentile) Head circumference: 43.7 cm (83rd percentile) She's still a bit shrimpy on the weight, but everything else (especially her big melon) is above average. We went to the doctor today for her 6 month checkup and she had to have 4 shots! She got pretty red in the face and cried hard for only a little bit. She did pretty well, considering. Yesterday we started her on peas, and this morning she had oatmeal for the first time! When she first took a bite, she frowned, but after that she kept wanting more! When we got home from the doctors office, I put her in bed and later I went up to check on her and she had peeled off one or her bandaids and was playing with it! Pretty funny until she decided to eat it! Cayden is sitting up all by herself now, and can reach and play with things without falling over. She loves her binkie and picks it up and puts it in her mouth a alot. She also discov...

Our crazy life.

As many of you know, we host Korean students at our home. Our host daughter Lauren has lived with us over the past 2 years (during school) and we've had Sun and Minsu live with us as well within that time. Sun moved out a few months ago, so we have an open room for the time being. That is what we thought anyway. Last Wednesday, we took a trip over to Central Oregon to visit Bryan's aunt and uncle (Lauren is good friends with their daughter Taylor). I will have plenty of pictures documenting this trip later, but I'm trying to ficus on this current story. We had to come back to Corvallis Friday morning because we were having an end of summer BBQ for the youth group kids at our house later that day. On the way home, Bryan got a call from a weird number. He doesn't answer his phone when he doesn't know the caller, so he got a voicemail from a Korean dad looking for a host family for his son. Bryan figured he would call back later, after we had gotten home, so we d...