St. Paul Rodeo 4th of July!

For the second year in a row, Bryan and I enjoyed the St. Paul Rodeo for the 4th of July. This year, we were accompanied by Ben and Alicia, Jason and Lauren, and Kyle and Kari. Bryan and I both bought stylin' cowboy hats (as you can see Bryan's in the picture), and we all enjoyed over priced carmel apples, hamburgers, jumbo corndogs, smoothies, snow cones and strawberry lemonade. The rodeo was great too, even though the people downing beers in front of us reeked! YeHaw for cowboys!


Ben and Alicia said…
I finally got around to reading some of your latest blog entries since your website is on the email you sent me. I forgot how much I like reading your stories, they are always well written and make me laugh.
You may want to update your profile though, it's out of date.

KeriAnn said…
I want to see a pic of you in your cowboy - i mean girl - hat. Brian looks like a true cowhand!
Samantha is.. said…
Wow Charissa! How come I didn't know this site existed? I really want one! And I love these pictures. Are they from the new camera? That bucking bronc picture could be in a rodeo magazine! :)
Samantha is.. said…
Oh, by the way, that last comment was me... Samantha. Haha.

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