Christmas break recap

I've been so busy at work over the past week, and with the holidays and loosing power, we haven't been home a lot, so I guess those are my excuses for not blogging. While my blogging stopped, life did not. Over the past couple of weeks, we endured a ice/snow storm, lost power for 3 and a half days, Bryan and I celebrated our third Christmas being married, Macie had her first Christmas (with a huge bone from Bryan's parents and a stocking from my bro) and we went on a weekend retreat with the Bernard family. I got a new laptop for Christmas from my wonderful husband, but unfortunately, the internet doesn't work well enough out at our house for me to put photos up. I will put photos up tomorrow of the ice storm, snow, and the weekend at the beach. Macie loved the snow. She was constantly chasing (and eating) snowballs Bryan would throw for her. The only part she didn't like was being left out in the cold when we had to go somewhere. Our house was slammed by the stor...