Grads, brides and baby

So much happened this weekend!
I started out with a bridal shower for my friend Samantha! It was so good to see these girls! It has been way too long! Below is Jamie, Cindra, Sam, me and Mal. I've been friends with these girls for 17 years!! Holy crap we are old. Samuel the bride....

So, I got Sam and Guy Scattergories for their wedding present, but I also snuck in a ovulation kit for her...cause I want them to have babies asap (after the wedding of course). Below is her reaction to my gift...hilarious. She didn't want to show anyone the gift.

Opening presentsNext was Saturday and Bryan's graduation from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary! He is officially a master. He got his Masters of Divinity...M.Div. for short. Here's the proud family... Cayden was awake the whole ceremony, and she just talked up a storm and farted once. Afterwards, we had a family BBQ to celebrate. All of our Oregon grandparents came, and Bryan got an iPad2 from all of us! Here is Cayden's fan club... On a random note, here is the extent of our landscaping so far...I bought some rhodies, alyssum and petunias and carved out a flower bed. Much more to come!!We've also been playing a lot of train game recently....and teaching Cayden the tricks of the trade. Doesn't she look old in this picture? This was this morning....definitely a bad hair day, but pretty funny.


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