Garage sales and the girls

Last night, my friends from high school and I got together for an inpromptu reunion. Samantha couldn't make it, but I was impressed with the turnout! We had dinner up in Lake Oswego at Claim Jumper and then had frozen yogurt at Yogurtland in Bridgeport. We pretty much just sat around and caught up, but it was really fun to see them, and to get away for a little bit.
Today was the annual Adair Village city-wide garage sale. We walked through our little city (Cayden decided to sleep the whole time in her stoller),spent $17 and got 13 books, two 3-T sleepers, two pairs of 3-T pants, a pair of shorts, a hoodie, and a Halloween onesie, a pair of boots and a 3-T monkey Halloween costume.
Not a bad haul for the little one!
I also bought a new camera lens today after selling a few of mine (very quickly!) on Craigslist. Hooray for autofocus on my 50 mm now! Cayden was just moving around too much for me to manually focus anymore.
She is already enjoying her new books!