Take me out to the ballgame...

A couple of weekends ago, Cayden got to go to her first Mariner game! We were sad that daddy had to stay home and work (it was on a Sunday), but my dad wanted to take us kids and my grandparents up to see the Mariners play the Red Sox (my dad and grandpa are Red Sox fans).

Of course, Cayden is not a Red Sox fan and so we scored some awesome Griffey gear on discount!

Here's the whole crew...my grandparents, brothers, Cayden and I and my dad. The Mariners won by the way!

We stayed the night in Seattle, in The Camlin Worldmark right downtown. It was only 2 miles from Safeco and had quite a view!

On the way home, we stopped by to visit my cousin who just moved with her baby and husband to Lacey, WA. Cayden had to try out her 3rd cousin's sunglasses.

It was a stripe day apparently.

On the way home, she did pretty good, sleeping with Douglas her giraffe.

When we got to Portland, she started to melt down. My dad HAD to stop in Brooks to give her a break (I would have just let her cry - mean mommy). Above she is chowing on my grandma's necklace at the truck stop.


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