Happy Birthday, Baby Girl
For the first time in three years, I am not spending March 7 in the hospital.
March 7, 2010 was the worst day.
March 7, 2011 was the best day.
The year before Cayden's birth, March 7 was a day I would rather
a day of head-in-my-hands heartache
-- the day I miscarried our first
I think God knew how hard it would have been to live through another
March 7 with empty arms because I went into labor at 3 a.m. March 7, 2011 and
Cayden finally arrived at 8:03 p.m.
People who don’t believe in God call situations
such as these “coincidence” or “ironic.”
I call Cayden’s birth on March 7 a redeeming
gift from God…and His timing is perfect.
Today, our little gift from God turned 1.
This picture makes me laugh!
For some reason she reminds me of one of the Indians in Peter Pan!
Cayden had an early birthday party last Saturday. We had about 30 friends and family to Bryan's parents' house to celebrate. Below are the Lute girls helping Cayden open her presents.
Here are all the girls! Cayden, Eden, Isla and Kylie.
These girls are gonna be great friends.
Here is Cayden eyeing her cake that I made.
It was a special not-so-sugary cake with fruit polka dots....
It quickly became a not-so-sugary mound of mangled cake and frosting in Cayden's belly.
Here's a pic of Cayden walking yesterday....I realized I didn't have any pics of her actually taking steps. She is now basically running all over the place. It's pretty dangerous when she's sleepy though because she turns into a tottering battering ram.
Here's her new Beaver's jersey she got from the Bartruffs. She was really excited about it!!
Also today, Cayden watched daddy mow the grass.
Very exciting for both her and Macie.
Dear Cayden,
You are the best thing I have ever done, and the most precious gift I've ever been given.
I knew you before you could breathe.
I knew you before your scream had air.
I knew you before you had a name.
I knew you before you had eyelashes and a milky chin.
I knew you before your hands had dimples,
but He knew you before.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future…” Jeremiah 29:11