Staying preoccupied

Since Bryan is gone, I have to schedule things to do so I don't end up sitting around the house being bored on Saturdays....rough life, I know.
So last Saturday, I called Beth and we had lunch together at La Mexican food ever, and I even tried to hook her up with the greasy mexican mulleted waiter. He did give her a price discount, so I think it's love! JK. We had a great time just talking and eating and it was good to catch up with her.
Then I went over to Alicia's and looked at her Bahamas pictures and then we went shopping. It was originally supposed to be a shopping trip to get her jeans, but I'm the one who ended up buying a does that happen? The day before, Macie had attacked me while I was wearing other jeans and she ripped a hole in them, so I figured I needed some new ones...and I had no husband to protest....
When I got home from Alicia's, Shane came over and we went with the Kims to Corvallis to watch Stephen and Yul (youth group kids on opposite teams) play eachother in basketball. A couple youth group kids (Jae, John and Daniel) showed up to watch the game, and we had a great time. Here are a few pictures of the basketball events: This (above) just doesn't seem fair does it? These kids playing are seventh and eighth graders, so they are at that point where they've either grown a bunch recently, or are just about to. Paul (the little guy in the photo) and the giant are obviously on opposite ends of the growth spectrum. Yul shooting a free throw (below) and Paul (above) making a pass. Yul shooting a couple of times. Stephen making a lob pass (below) and shooting (further below).


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