Saurkraut and kitties

This is a very busy time in our house! With me tutoring twice a week, church events 4 times a week, two hungry teenageers and a 7-month-old who STILL won't sleep through the night, life is flying by!
 Occasionally, I get a chance to snuggle my baby like this...
 She usually will not sit like this....she's really a wiggler, not a snuggler, but this night last week she had woken up from sleeping and had a little food and just wanted to be snuggled. Usually this happens in the dead of night when she wakes up and I feed her in her room, but this time I was downstairs and asked Bryan to take a pic.
We also got to visit with Great Grandma and Grandpa Ullman this week, twice!
 And look, Grandpa didn't break her! As you can see, Cayden now loves to clap!
Joe and Lauren also got to meet my Grandma's kitties...see more pictures below...
We also got a visit from the Mendenhalls this weekend, and Carroll got to meet Cayden for the first time, sporting the Oakland Raiders jacket he picked out for her last fall!
 On Sunday we went back out to the cabin and had the annual Saurkraut making with the Ullman family. We got to meet brand new 3rd cousin Breyer (my cousin's new baby).
 Cayden tried to give him a high five, but it didn't work out too great.
Here is Joe pounding the's a lot of work!

And here are the kitties! Want one? Seriously...
 This is Lauren attempting to feed a kitty.
 And here's my grandma expertly feeding the kitty.


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