Goodbye to one daughter, three months for the other...

Our host daughter Lauren is now back in Korea for the summer! She and Chris (on the right) both flew out at 6 am yesterday morning and will be back August 22. Daniel (middle) came over to say goodbye, since he willbe off to college in Arizona before they return.
Also happening today...Cayden turns 3 months old! She was quite pleased with the Snickers we gave her in celebration.

Photo time with her giraffe...And she still loves her baths...

Three month stats:

Weight: 11 pounds (as far as I can tell)

Height: 2 feet! (24 inches)

Accomplishments: Doing crunches all the time (trying to sit up), smiling at different people, eating fists and sucking fingers, lots of drool, eating 3 oz every 2-3 hours, sleeping through the night 8-10 hours (most of the time), batting at her "Angry Bird" toy in car seat and her baby gym toys, and giving kisses (turns mouth toward kiss on cheek).

Hates: Getting her diaper changed when she's hungry, getting burped mid-bottle, sunshine in her eyes.


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