Graduations and such...

Over the past week, we have been to 3 graduations, 8 softball games and 1 trip to grandma's house! Here's Cayden at the games last night....she is attempting to clash with every piece of her attire! Last weekend, Bryan's softball team won their first tournament down in Albany!Yesterday, grandma bought Cayden a Johnny Jump up. She doesn't really jump yet, but she likes to spin herself in circles! Funny face.Sun and Angela at Daniel and Angela's graduation party on Wednesday.At Coldstone....nice stripes!This picture is Cayen to a "T." Most of the time you will see her with her hands tucked behind her head, especially when she starts to get mad. We call it "distress mode."Here's Youngi's eighth-grade graduation on Wednesday with her family (she's in the middle). Us with Youngs.And now to CV's graduation on Monday...Us with Daniel and Angela. These kids were 8th graders when we started working at CKC!!!And then there was my little bro's graduation last Friday! My cousin Jilynne also graduated from Sprague. This is my grandparents with their two graduate grandkids.Shane with his band buddiesCayden was quite the trooper through all these graduations...this is her in the stands at Shane's graduation with great-grandma Hunter. Grandma is showing her a hand warmer from Aunt Kelley.So that's what we've been up to!!!


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