New Year's and more pups

New Year's was spent with friends at Mallory and Josh's new place. Not all our usual crowd could make it, but we had some new additions (Jason, Lauren, Isla and Josh) and a great time playing Wii, Imagine If, and eating plenty of food. We had our first baby girl join in our tradition, which was fun. The boys made a new tradition of shooting off bottle rockets in the of which hit Alicia and Ben's car parked out front...Oops! We didn't have TV (Mal and Josh just moved in), so we watched the ball drop online and hung out for a while longer. We had a great time.
Also included are photos from another visit to the puppies. There are only four left, and Macie loves playing with them...sometimes a little too rough.


Acker Family said…
Looks like a fun time! When will more babies be in attendance at your New Year's tradition? :) I keep asking AJ for a puppy, but I'm pretty sure it's not going to happen. They are soo cute!

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