Stevo the bballer

This weekend was spent almost entirely in Corvallis. Our usual routine includes Friday night youth group and then church on Sunday, but this weekend, we had two lunch/dinner meetings with groups of people in Corvallis, so we were pretty much just sleeping in Salem. On Saturday we met with the guys who will be taking over worship team when Danny leaves for China. They are two brothers and another friend (who attend OSU) and they are seriously an answer to prayer. Every time we have our worship leader leave, God provides us with new people right in the nick of time. We are really blessed to have these guys serving with us!
On Sunday, we had church, and then went to watch Steven Kim play basketball at Crescent Valley High School. His team did great, and won! We took Sun and Daniel with us and Jae showed up to cheer along. The kids had a great time, and Steven did great, scoring four points, and lots of assists. It was pretty funny (and embarrassing for him) because Sun and Daniel wouldn't shut up through the whole game. Every time he would get the ball, they'd be screaming at him. When he finally made a few points, they went nuts. It was pretty funny.
This is when he stole the ball and made a lay in. This is Stephen and Paul Vettrus, our neighbor and my cousins' cousin.


Family of 5 said…
I can see Sun and Daniel doing that...being loud and obnoxious! :) Looks like a fun time! You guys are great leaders for these kids! Such servants!
Anonymous said…
this was the greateset middle school basketball game of all time! and then with stephen in it and his team playing the incoming freshman next year! maaaaaaaaaaaan! soooooo much fun! I LOVE IT!
Anonymous said…
this was the greateset middle school basketball game of all time! and then with stephen in it and his team playing the incoming freshman next year! maaaaaaaaaaaan! soooooo much fun! I LOVE IT!
Anonymous said…
Daniel acting nuts-normal (no offense)
Sun going nuts- not normal, but sometimes
Jae-quiet as usual

Great game

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