Daisy clock and baby class

So I might have stolen the idea for the pelmet board from another blogger, but this next idea was completely original! Using a painting canvas (like my other wall art), fabric, some iron on daisies from Michael's, white spray paint and the innards of a clock... I made a baby room clock! Hooray for finished projects! On a completely different note...well maybe not completely, but.... I hit 35 weeks! Only 5 weeks left to go and I've only peed my pants twice....both in the last 24 hours.... We also finished up our birthing class at Good Samaritan Hospital (Corvallis). They made us take group shots....first of the moms in order of due date (I'm in the middle). And then of the daddies (they had to stick out their stomachs like they were pregnant too - Bryan loved this - NOT). Birthing class was quite the experience....lots of weirdos. And a couple of cool people. The only other couple we talked to were the ones on the far right. I think it's funny that both him and Bryan are...