Baby room sneak peek...

In response to all the doubters I meet every day....yes, this is me at 32 weeks. Yes, I'm due in 8 weeks. I'm sorry I'm not as big as you were when you were pregnant. We started work on the baby room this past week. Bryan finished painting in one day! One wall is this pink/purple color, the other three are more of a beige with a yellow tint.
For the wall art, by mother in law and sister in law helped me pick out fabric to stretch over these canvases.This is what they look like after a few staples...yay! Stay tuned for more soon!


Jenn Elliott said…
That is a GREAT idea for wall art!!!!! I love it. :-)
paulashley said…
I think you have a cute little pregnant belly :) And I'm glad for your sake you didn't get huge, it's hard on the ole body.
The room sounds like fun! I can't believe you're due in 8 weeks, exciting!
Family of 5 said… looks so cute!! :) And you look great!!
Alyssa Green said…
just be carefully the last 4 weeks your body grows scary big! I gained 10 lbs alone then, I pray that you will have better luck!

Cute baby room!!! love it!
Daisha said…
Hey there! I'm Shayla Young's sister so I'm not a total stranger :) I saw your name on Amanda Aker's blog and had to take a peak. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I love the colors you chose for the nursery. That's so exciting to have a girl. You look great! I hope you stay comfortable these next 8 weeks!

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