Translation please...
Korean translation = Ka - ree - sah.
There is no "ri" (as in Cha-ri-ssa) sound in this is as good as it gets. I think my soccer number in college (21) was meant to be as evidenced by this writing of my name in Korean (notice the 21 in the middle?). Pretty cool.
There is no "ri" (as in Cha-ri-ssa) sound in this is as good as it gets. I think my soccer number in college (21) was meant to be as evidenced by this writing of my name in Korean (notice the 21 in the middle?). Pretty cool.
I hope y'all are ready for a random post. My good camera is in the shop for the next 2 weeks, so I've been roughing it with Bryan's Nikon CoolPix, and I randomly decide to take photos...this one was taken last week (at 33 wks) with my mom...we were showing off our stomachs. I win.