Mother's Day

Mother's Day, for me, started at 5:30 a.m. with a sunrise and a feverish baby.
After spending too much time in the heat on Saturday, Cayden registered at 102.1 degrees that night, so sleep was hard to come by.

Because Sundays are taken over by church, we did most of our Mother's Day activities on Saturday with our families.

We spent the morning out at my parents' farm for breakfast with my Hunter grandparents, parents, and little brother.

That farm is beautiful! Cayden got to walk half of the LONG driveway with Grandpa and we also climbed some trees and she got her first sliver!

I am so blessed to have a great family who loves to spend time together!

After breakfast, our plan was to go into town and help Bryan's brother and sister-in-law paint in their new house. My plan did not work out, however, because by the time breakfast was done, they had already left their house for a wedding, and we couldn't get in to help!

So then, we decided to use the day to go pick up some new shrubs for us and trees for our friends (because Bryan's grandparents had given us a gift certificate for a nursery). I had to call ahead to tell the nursery we were coming. I got the answering machine....not a good sign.

So we hung around Bryan's parents' house, waiting for them to call back. They eventually did....that night. So that plan fell through too!

It was definitely a "go with the flow" kind of day, so we made the most of it and Bryan helped his dad drywall the remodel they are doing and Cayden got to play outside with Grandma and the hose.

Cayden got to nap, and we got to spend more time with family!

On actual Mother's Day, we went to church -- leaving a sick Joe at home :( and then went out to the Cabin to see my mom's side of the family for a few hours.

It was a work day at the Cabin for Mother's Day, so everyone was busy splitting this giant mountain of wood.

 Luckily, my grandma has lots of grandsons to chop wood for her. This is my cousin Jackson...
 Chopping away!
 They also rented a splitter, which is a pretty cool hydraulic system to split wood. Here is my cousin Jilynne working with Lauren on the splitter.
 While they worked hard, we played with bubbles!
My cousin, Sarah, and her two boys enjoying the bubbles.
Some (3rd) +cousin love.-


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