Thank you, Starbucks.

Today, Joe and I took advantage of Starbucks' 1/2 price fraps sale after church. The barista was nice enough to offer Cayden a cup of chocolate whipped cream, so she wouldn't get jealous of our frappuccinos. A kind enough offer that I was a bit skeptical of, but what is childhood without a few messy rides in the car?
 This is what we ended up with after a 10 minute car ride. Cayden enjoyed spooning the whipped cream all over herself (including legs and all).
 We got her cleaned up quick enough (thanks to the hose) and she apparently loves to be hosed down!
 First footprints of spring.
We had a busy Saturday, meeting the Mendenhalls for breakfast in Salem, and then going to Amanda and Carrie's graduation. We are so proud of Carrie. She's had to battle a lot of physical trials over the past 4 years (including a car accident 3 weeks ago), but she made it, and in style. 
Student body president, Magna Cum Laude, a million friends...
she is a success story by the grace of God.  
 The whole family (except Lauren....she was on a girls weekend).
Cayden loves her Aunt Carrie...even when that baby is only working off an hour's worth of naptime. 
She was so tired after breakfast, graduation, dinner and dessert. On the way home, she fell asleep while  drinking/holding her bottle. 
So funny.


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